Bible Explorers (3’s-5th) There will be no Bible Explorers this week. We’ll be back together on April 2.
Youth Group (6th–12th) Join us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00! We are doing a study of Colossians.
Operation Christmas Child OCC collection items for March are hygiene items (no soap). Drop your items in one of the boxes in the Narthex!
Special Prayer Services On Wednesdays leading up to Easter we will be having special prayer services in our church sanctuary starting at 6:30 pm. These prayer meetings will begin with a structured time of prayer. After that, individuals or groups can find a place to pray by themselves. Feel free to slip in before, during or after, and slip out when you have finished praying.
Easter at First Take a look at the bulletin insert for what’s happening as we celebrate Easter next month. Easter invitation cards will be available soon.
Easter Candy Donation We will have an Easter Egg Hunt for families on Easter Sunday after the morning service. You can donate bags of wrapped candy at the Welcome Center until April 13.
VBS Mark your calendars for VBS, June 23-27!
Groups God designed us to walk through life with other Christians. Those connections often happen in smaller settings. Where are you connected?
- Sunday School for all ages – Sundays at 9:00 AM
- Small Group Bible Study – Sundays at the ROC from 6:00-7:30 PM
- Men’s Book Study – sign up at the Welcome Center