There will be no evening worship service this Sunday in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.

The church office will be closed on May 27.

Highland Lakes events: Camps happening in May and June. Check out the information in the foyer, or contact Wally Liechty for more details.

Open Arms Christian Home will be opening a boy’s facility in the old Lyons nursing home. This will provide emergency housing for boys ages 8-15 and long term residential placement for boys ages 10-15. It will house a total of 10-15 boys. Open Arms needs the following donations: Boy-themed/colored towels, washcloths, toothbrushes, boys shampoo & conditioner, bar soap, boys deodorant, combs, band aids. There will be a box set up in the foyer for donations from now through June.

There are copies of the Official Board Report on the Welcome Center for anyone who is interested.