This Wednesday at 6:30 pm Ted Wagner will be teaching our Bible Study. Our weekly prayer time will follow.
The C.E. board is in need of individually wrapped candies for our Easter egg hunt on Sunday, April 4 following the morning service. Donations must be in by March 28 and may be brought to the church office or the young adult S.S. classroom. The eggs will be packed on March 28 during Sunday School. There is plenty of room in the sanctuary for families to worship in person and still socially distance. Therefore, if there are children in attendance on Palm Sunday, March 28, the C.E. board invites them to participate in a little surprise during morning service. See Anna Jackson with any questions.
On Good Friday, April 2 at 7:30 pm we will have a Tenebrae Service here in the church sanctuary. A Tenebrae Service is a candlelight “service of shadows” with Scripture readings about the cross. Communion will be part of the service.
On Easter Sunday, April 4 we will have a Sunrise Service at 6:30 AM. Breakfast will follow in the Fellowship Hall.
On Easter we will have our 9:00 AM Sunday School classes and the 10:00 AM Worship Service. There will be no evening service.
March OCC items: Hygiene items. (See listings or contact Tammy Hart.)
Awestruck one day ladies conference: April 10, 8-4:00-virtual, here at the church. Tickets are $25.00 which includes lunch. Sign up at the Welcome Center and Rae Anne Tyra will collect the registration fee.
Gifts intended specifically for our lighting project may be designated “Sanctuary Lights”.