There will be a “stand-up” Deacons Meeting this Sunday after the morning service in the BYKOTA classroom. There will be a regular Deacons Meeting on Tuesday, November 16th at 6:30 pm here at the church.
This Sunday evening at 6:00 pm in lieu of our evening service we will have an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party in the Fellowship Hall. Please come and help pack Shoeboxes that will literally take the Gospel around the world.
This Wednesday at 6:30 pm Mr. Ted Wagner will be teaching our midweek Bible Study. Our weekly prayer time will follow.
The church office will be closed this Thursday, Nov. 11 for Veterans Day.
Next Sunday, November 14th, Mr. Paul Bertsch will be speaking in our morning service. Paul is a Regional Director for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and oversees Christian outreach on several Indiana college and university campuses.
Next Sunday, November 14th, Rev. Roger Bear will be speaking in our evening service. Roger is the retired Director of the Baptist Collegiate Mission at Indiana State University, and a proud grandfather.
On Sunday morning, November 21st our church will be privileged to host a pastor from the Sudan who is doing outreach work in his home country, often under very challenging conditions. He is the first person Pastor David ever met who has been imprisoned for the crime of preaching the Gospel. You won’t want to miss hearing his testimony.