On the Welcome Center there are envelopes for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Lottie Moon was a single lady missionary to China over 100 years ago. She wrote letters challenging American churches to send more support and workers to mission fields. After her death, an annual offering for world missions was named in her honor. This is a free will offering, and every bit of the money raised goes directly to the support of international missionaries. Donations for the Lottie Moon Offering will be collected through Sunday, December 19th.

This Wednesday at 6:30 pm in our Bible Study series Getting to Know the Bible Better we will be looking at the book of Colossians. Our weekly prayer time will follow.

On Wednesday, December 22, we will have a special Candlelight Christmas Service at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary. The sanctuary will be dimmed and lit with candles, with the Christmas carols and the Christmas message all shown on our screens. All the carols will be accompanied by classical guitar. Pastor David will also be telling how the story of St. Nicholas began and giving chocolate coins to any children present.

There are Bibles available on our Welcome Center. Copies of the Gospel of John and other literature is also available.

Contact information and prayer requests may be shared on the Contact Card attached to your bulletin. You can then drop it in the Offering Box at the back of the Sanctuary before you leave.

Gifts intended specifically for our lighting project may be designated “Sanctuary Lights.”