We send our love and prayers to the families of Bill Haun and Pat McCullough.
High Point Baptist Church in Mayfield, KY is a center point for helping Mayfield work through the storm damage. New Life will be partnering with Pastor Darick Hollman for the long-term process in which there will be multiple opportunities to lend a helping hand to a sister church. This will assist High Point in sharing the gospel and meeting real needs. A trailer will leave New Life for High Point Baptist Church at 10 a.m. on Monday, December 20th. Right now, the need is: new pillows and pillowcases, new blankets, and hygiene kits (see the list on the Bulletin boards and the Welcome Center). Please place hygiene kit items in a gallon Ziploc bag and label women’s, men’s, or baby/toddler
This Wednesday, December 22, we will have a special Candlelight Christmas Service at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary. The sanctuary will be dimmed and lit with candles, with the Christmas carols and the Christmas message all shown on our screens. All the carols will be accompanied by classical guitar. Pastor David will also be telling how the story of St. Nicholas began and giving chocolate coins to any children present.