This Wednesday at 6:30 pm in our Bible Study series Getting to Know the Bible Better we will be looking at the book of Titus. Our weekly prayer time will follow.
There will be a meeting of the Official Board on Sunday, February 20 at 4:30 pm in the church library.
Our church is going to set aside seven Wednesday evenings, beginning March 2nd (Ash Wednesday) and continuing on through April 13th, to hold special prayer services in our church sanctuary. Pastor David will lead these prayer services, but will not be preaching or teaching. We will worship God together in song, read the Scripture together, then pray together in various ways for about 8-10 minutes. This cycle will be repeated three or four times, each time with a different emphasis. We will not be using the Prayer List or taking prayer requests during these services. If there is someone you believe needs prayer, you will have opportunity to pray for them. But our specific focus during these meetings will be to worship God together and to seek God together about the future of our church. Furthermore, Pastor David and the Deacons are calling on the church to set aside Wednesday, April 6th (just before Easter) as a day of fasting and prayer for our church. All are encouraged to seek God to show us the way we should go and what He would have us do. Those who are willing and not hindered by health concerns are also encouraged to fast from just after the evening meal on Tuesday, April 5th to the evening meal on Wednesday, April 6th. In this way we desire that God would unite our hearts to seek His face and know His will concerning the future of our church.