There are Bibles, copies of the Gospel of John and other literature available free on our Welcome Center.

Also available on the Welcome Center is the Official Board Report to the Membership of Linton First Baptist Church.

Contact information and prayer requests may be shared on the Contact Card in your bulletin, then dropped in the Offering Box at the back of the Sanctuary.

Deacons’ Meeting: Tuesday, March 8th at 6:30 pm.

March OCC Items : Hygiene items (See posted list, or Tammy and Ralph Hart).

We are setting aside the seven Wednesdays from March 2nd through April 13th to hold special prayer services for our church. Pastor David will lead these services, but will not be preaching or teaching. We will sing, read Scripture, and pray together in various ways. We will not be using the Prayer List or taking prayer requests during these services, but you will have opportunity to pray for those who are on your heart. Our focus is to seek God together for our church. Furthermore, Pastor David and the Deacons are calling on the church to set aside Wednesday, April 13th as a day of fasting and prayer for our church. All are encouraged to pray. Those who are willing and not hindered by health concerns are also encouraged to fast from after your evening meal on Tuesday, April 12th to your evening meal on Wednesday, April 13th. Our desire is for God to unite our hearts to seek His face and know His will for our church.