We have had another offering of $500 come in for Ukrainian refugees, for a new total of $2435.00. The money will be divided between Samaritan’s Purse and the Evangelische Freikirche Am Bohlweg in Munster, Germany, where Pastor Jonas Bueltemann and the church are hosting Ukrainian refugees in their homes.
We have two more special prayer services set aside to pray for our church, on Wednesday, April 6th and Wednesday, April 13th. We are also setting aside Wednesday, April 13th as a day of fasting and prayer for our church. All are encouraged to pray. Those not hindered by health concerns are also encouraged to fast from after your evening meal on Tuesday, April 12th to your evening meal on Wednesday, April 13th. Our desire is to seek God’s face and know His will for our church.
We will hold a Tenebrae Service on Good Friday at 8:00 pm in the church sanctuary. Tenebrae is a Latin word meaning “darkness.” A Tenebrae Service is also called “A Service of Shadows.” It is a simple, powerful service. The sanctuary will be lit mainly by candles. We will sing songs and read Scriptures that point to the crucifixion of Christ. After each Scripture reading, a candle will be extinguished. After the fifth reading, communion will be observed. Volunteers, both men and women, are needed for the Scripture readings. A sign-up sheet for the Scripture Readings is on the Welcome Center. Pastor David will provide a copy of your Scripture Reading to you beforehand.
On Easter Sunday we will have a Sunrise Service at 6:30 AM in the sanctuary, followed by a special Easter breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. Sunday School will be at 9:00 AM as usual, followed by our Easter Sunday Worship Service at 10:00 AM. There will be no evening service in order to allow more time for families to gather for Easter.