Donations for the relief efforts for Hurricane Ian can be given through the website of the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana. You can access the link at
The church office will be closed Monday for Columbus Day.
On Sunday, October 16, Rev. Roger Bear will be preaching in both the morning and evening services.
The annual NOW Summit meeting of the S.C.B.I. will be October 24-25 at Highland Lakes Baptist Camp near Martinsville. Featured speakers will include Executive Director Ryan Strother, and Pastor/Speaker/Comedian Dennis Swanberg. See Pastor David for details.
FBC Fall Cookout: Friday, October 28, 6:00 pm. Hot dogs and buns provided, side dishes are welcome. See a C.E. board member for more information.
Fifth Sunday OCC Special Offering: Oct. 30, following the Morning Worship Service at the Welcome Center.
OCC Packing Party: Oct. 30, 5 :00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This will be in lieu of our Sunday Evening Worship Service.
October OCC items: Postage and prayer.