This Sunday, Rev. Roger Bear will preach in both the morning and evening services.
The Trustees would like to call for a Special Business Meeting to be held in the church sanctuary after the conclusion of the morning service on Oct. 23, 2022. The purpose of this meeting will be to seek the church’s permission to go over the $10,000.00 limit set on their ability to make repairs. The heating/AC unit in the office area needs to be replaced. Byers Heating/AC can replace the unit for $12,350.00. No other business will be considered at this meeting.
FBC Fall Cookout: Friday, October 28, 6:00 pm. Hot dogs and buns provided, side dishes are welcome. See a C.E. board member for more information.
Fifth Sunday OCC Special Offering: Oct. 30, following the Morning Worship Service at the Welcome Center.
OCC Packing Party: Oct. 30, 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This will be in lieu of our Sunday Evening Worship Service. Oct. OCC items : Postage and prayer.
Greene Co. Dept. of Child Services needs donations of Christmas gifts or gift cards for foster children. See posters in the narthex for more information.
Donations for the relief efforts for Hurricane Ian can be given through the website of the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana. You can access the link at