Little Sprouts Workers Meeting (Aug 27) This fall we are starting new curriculum for our children and teens. Pastor Bobby would like to have a short meeting with all the Little Sprouts volunteers after the service this morning.

Treehouse Workers Meeting (Sep 3) This fall we are starting new curriculum for our children and teens. Pastor Bobby would like to have a short meeting with all the Treehouse volunteers after the service next Sunday.

Bible Explorers (Sep 6 and 13) Our midweek kids discipleship program, Bible Explorers, will kick off a new year on September 13! There will be a training meeting the previous week, September 6 at 6:15, for all the workers. See Pastor Bobby if you have any questions about serving on the BE Team.

Youth Group (Sep 10) Hey teens! We are kicking off our Rooted Youth Group (6th-12th) on Sunday, September 10 from 6:00-7:00 PM. We hope to see you there with some friends for a fun time as we explore our faith together. See you soon!

Operation Christmas Child OCC Items for August are school supplies.