Youth Group (6th–12th) Join us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00 for Rooted Youth Group! Come spend time with friends as we have fun and explore the Christian faith. Our current series is learning about the goodness of God.

No Wednesday Services (Nov 22) There will be no Bible Explorers or Adult Bible study and prayer meeting this week to allow families more time to prepare or travel for Thanksgiving.

Annual Meeting (Dec 3) This year, our annual meeting falls on Sunday, December 3. After the morning worship service, we will share a meal together, and then hold our annual meeting. We welcome anyone to attend, though only church members will be allowed to vote on items presented.

Official Board Meeting There will be an Official Board meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in the church library.

OCC National Collection Week National Collection Week finishes up tomorrow. Thank you to all those who volunteered their time and energy to help receive boxes! We pray these boxes will allow for many gospel conversations to come!

2024 Children’s Ministries If you’re interested in serving in the Nursery, in the Little Sprouts, in the Elementary Sunday School class, or in the Treehouse, please sign up at the Welcome Center. See Pastor Bobby with any questions.