Youth Group (6th–12thJoin us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00! Come spend time with friends as we have fun and explore the Christian faith.

VBS is June 24-27! Kids 3 years old through rising 6th graders will explore Breaker Rock Beach as they learn that God’s truth never changes! Preregister online at this registration link. Workers, don’t forget to mark your calendars for our second meeting next Sunday, June 9.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for June are toys.

Playdate At The ROC Join us on Tuesday for a playdate at the ROC! During June and July, on Tuesdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, we’ll open the ROC for our families and friends to come and enjoy hanging out together.

Church Softball Come out Tuesday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team for their first game!

Church Work Day Come lend a hand for our church work day on Saturday, July 27! The Trustees are asking for your help leading up to the work day. If you’ve seen something around the building that could use some work or have an idea for a potential project, please let a Trustee know. The Trustees will gather ideas and work together to determine what to move forward with.

First Sunday Offerings We are grateful for those who partner with us financially through their offerings. As a reminder, any loose cash given on the first Sunday of each month is designated for the church’s benevolence fund.