This Wednesday at 6:30 pm in our Bible Study series Getting to Know the Bible Better we will be looking at the book of Daniel. Our weekly prayer time will follow. Copies of previous Wednesday Bible Study notes are available for the asking.
March OCC items: Hygiene items. (See listings or contact Tammy Hart.)
Gifts intended specifically for our lighting project may be designated “Sanctuary Lights”.
There are posters on our bulletin boards about the Pregnancy Choices Virtual Impact Event, to be held online on March 16th at 7 pm. This fundraising event is in lieu of their normal in-person banquet.
Upcoming Events:
- Jam Camp: June 8-12, for grades 3-6 & 7-12.
- Awestruck Ladies Retreat: March 13 at Graceland Baptist Church in New Albany
- Awestruck Ladies Retreat: April 10 at Northside Baptist Church in Indianapolis
(If interested go to or see Rae Anne Tyra)