This Wednesday at 6:30 pm in our Bible Study series Getting to Know the Bible Better we will be looking at the book of Hosea. Our weekly prayer time will follow. Copies of previous Wednesday Bible Study notes are also available.

The C.E. board is now accepting donations of individually wrapped candies for our Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday, April 4 following the morning service. Donations will be collected from today through Sunday, March 28. They may be brought to the church office or the young adult S.S. classroom. There will be a later announcement on the packing day for the eggs. Any questions can be directed to Anna Jackson.

Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 14, please set your clocks forward one hour Saturday March 13.

March OCC items: Hygiene items. (See listings or contact Tammy Hart.)

Gifts intended specifically for our lighting project may be designated “Sanctuary Lights.”