Anyone wanting 2022 giving records can sign up on the east bulletin board.
Copies of the November Official Board Report to the Membership of First Baptist of Linton are available at the Welcome Center.
Also at the Welcome Center: a sign-up sheet for a Small Group Bible Study of The Message of Ecclesiastes (The Bible Speaks Today Series), by Derek Kidner.
The church office will be closed on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Next Sunday, January 22nd, after the morning service we will have a Get-Acquainted Lunch in the Fellowship Hall for all our visitors and members. Please see Martha Wagner or Maxine Henry for more information.
January 22nd is also National Sanctity of Life Sunday.
The Fifth Sunday Special Offerings for Operation Christmas Child can be given on January 29th after the morning service at the Welcome Center.
January items for Operation Christmas Child are stuffed animals and games.
Note to parents of small children: the baptistery is full this Sunday.