This Sunday, there will be a short Compassion International presentation, “Let Us Love in Actions with Truth.” This is an opportunity for church members to sponsor a child in poverty. Sponsorships provide the child with Christ centered physical, emotional, and spiritual care through churches in their communities.
Special OCC offering: this Sunday at the Welcome Center after the morning service. May items for Operation Christmas Child are toys.
The “Meet & Greet” group will meet on Tuesday, May 2 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the ROC. There will be a devotional and we will make bracelets from a kit for the OCC boxes. All ladies are welcome, bring your own beverages please.
You’re invited to a retirement celebration for Martha Wagner on Saturday, May 6 in the Fellowship Hall from 2-4 pm.
The Mother’s Day Banquet will take place on Monday, May 15 at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please sign up in the narthex.
May 21st is Graduation Sunday. We’d like to honor our graduates with a dinner after the morning service. If you have a graduate in the family, please sign up at the Welcome Center.
There will be an official board meeting on Sunday, May 21 at 4:30 pm.