Church Office (Oct 9) We will be closed Monday for Columbus Day.
Youth Group (6th–12th) There will be no Youth Group meeting tonight as we join the whole church for the Fall Cookout.
Bible Explorers (3’s–5th) We will not be meeting this Wednesday for Bible Explorers. We will be back together on October 18. See you then!
Bible Donations Hickory Treatment Center in town is in need of Bibles (new or used) and men’s clothing that will be given to their residents. Items can be placed on the receptionist desk near the church offices.
Fall Cookout (Oct 8) This Sunday evening is our fall cookout! We’ll gather from 5:30-7:30, eating at 6:00. The church is providing hotdogs and drinks. If your last name begins with A-M, bring a side. If your last name begins with N-Z, bring a dessert. Everyone bring a lawn chair.
Pastor’s Appreciation Lunch (Oct 22) Save the date for our Pastor’s Appreciation Lunch. More details about what to bring for the meal will be given next week.
OCC 5th Sunday Special Offering (10/29) Following the morning service at the Welcome Center.
OCC Packing Party (10/29) 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. See the Harts for more information.
Trunk or Treat (Oct 31) On October 31, we will host a community Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot from 6:00-7:30. There is a box for candy donations at the Welcome Center (wrapped candy only, please). There is also a signup sheet at the Welcome Center if you’d like to participate by decorating a trunk and passing out candy. See Pastor Bobby if you have questions.