WCBA Annual Meeting The West Central Baptist Association will hold its Annual Meeting tonight at First Baptist Church of Rockville. It will last from 4:00 to 8:00 pm, and will include times of worship, fellowship, a meal, a minimum of business, and three breakout sessions (pick one): MARCS of a Disciple – Pastor Tim LaFleur; You Can Do This – Pastor Jonathan LaFleur; and Navigating Challenges Facing the Local Church – Dr. Tom Savage. If you wish to attend, please meet here at our church at 2:30 pm.

Treehouse On the first Sunday of each month, we invite all of the elementary age children to sit in with the adults for the morning service. We’ll be back up in the Treehouse next week!

Youth Group (6th–12th) Join us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00 for Rooted Youth Group! Come spend time with friends as we have fun and explore the Christian faith. Our current series is learning about the goodness of God.

Bible Explorers (3’s–5th) Join us Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30 for our midweek children’s discipleship program. We’d love to have you with us for engaging Bible lessons, Scripture memory time, and fun games.

Operation Christmas Child OCC Items for November are postage and prayer.

OCC National Collection Week Please be in prayer for the week of Nov. 13-20. National Collection Week will take place here at the church.

College Care Packages This year, we have several young people away at college. We’d love to bless them with a box of goodies as a reminder that they are loved! Sign up at the Welcome Center with the goodies you’ll bring to encourage one of them.

2024 Children’s Ministries If you’re interested in serving in the Nursery, with the Little Sprouts, in the Elementary Sunday School class, or in the Treehouse, please sign up at the Welcome Center. See Pastor Bobby with any questions.