Youth Group (6th–12thJoin us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00 for Rooted Youth Group! Come spend time with friends as we have fun and explore the Christian faith. Our current study is on God’s Provision.

Bible Explorers (3’s–5thJoin us Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30 for our midweek children’s discipleship program. We’d love to have you with us for engaging Bible lessons, Scripture memory time, and fun games.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for March are personal hygiene items. 

Midweek Prayer Wednesdays leading up to Easter we are having special seasons of prayer at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary. We begin together and then break off individually to finish the time. You may slip in before, during or after, and slip out when you have finished praying.

Annie Armstrong The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is used to fund mission projects in North America. Envelopes are available on the Welcome Center.

Small Group Bible Study Wally Liechty is preparing for a small group to study the short biography of Marie Monsen, The Awakening; Revival in China 1927 – 1937. If you’d like to join the group, please sign up at the Welcome Center.

Trustees Meeting There will be a trustees meeting following the morning service.