I have always loved Christmas lights. I loved them as a child, and even since I grew up, its always make me smile, when Christmas lights start appearing on houses every December.
But I gained a whole new perspective on Christmas lights when my grandsons came along. Somehow, when seeing the world reflected in the face and eyes of a child, it all seems new and wonderful again. We need to be reminded of that, especially at Christmas.
My first grandson is named Andrew, but we call him Ender, after a character in one of his dad’s favorite novels. When he was less than a year old, experiencing his first Christmas, I loved holding him up to the Christmas Tree to show him the lights. (I didn’t enjoy it as much the next year trying to keep him from eating the lights during his second Christmas.) But as he got older, we both discovered the joy of looking at Christmas lights from “Gwampa’s dok-wed Fod Wanger twuk!” (Translation: “Grandpa’s dark -red Ford Ranger truck”)
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