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Weekly Update for Sunday, August 4, 2024

Youth Group There will be no youth group tonight. We’ll be back together on August 18!

Bible Explorers We are finalizing our plans for a new year of Bible Explorers, our midweek discipleship program for kids 3 years old through 5th grade. If you are interested in serving on the BE Team, please email Pastor Bobby at There will be a training night on August 21 at 6:30 PM.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for August are school supplies. 

OCC Award Our church has been recognized with an award for being a drop-off point for the past five years for OCC. We are so thankful for Ralph and Tammy Hart spearheading this ministry. We couldn’t have done it without our church family who have faithfully given and supported these efforts to make the gospel known worldwide through the gift of a shoebox! Thank you!

Church Softball Come out Monday and Thursday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team!

First Sunday Offerings We are thankful for those who partner with us financially through their offerings. As a reminder, any loose cash given on the first Sunday of each month is designated for the church’s benevolence fund. 

Numbered Offering Envelopes We recently placed an order for new numbered offering envelopes. If you would like to get a box of envelopes to help facilitate your family’s giving, please contact the church office.

Weekly Update for Sunday, July 28, 2024

Youth Group (6th–12thJoin us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00! Come spend time with friends as we have fun and explore the Christian faith. Our current study is looking at the evidence for why we believe what we believe.

Playdate At The ROC We’d love to have you join us this Tuesday from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm at the ROC for our last playdate of the summer. See you there!

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for July are miscellaneous. Please see the lists in the narthex or see Tammy Hart for more information.

Church Softball Come out Monday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team!

Church Work Day Thank you to everyone who was involved in our church work day! God has blessed us with wonderful facilities and grounds. We are grateful for the opportunity to work together as a church family to steward his gifts toward us.

First Sunday Offerings We are thankful for those who partner with us financially through their offerings. As a reminder, any loose cash given on the first Sunday of each month is designated for the church’s benevolence fund.

Weekly Update for Sunday, July 21, 2024

Camp Debrief Welcome back campers! You made it through a week of camp! Woohoo! Pastor Bobby would love to meet with you all tonight from 6:00-7:00 to wrap up our week together. 

Playdate At The ROC We’d love to have you join us on Tuesday for a playdate at the ROC from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm! We only have a few more scheduled before the end of summer break. See you there! 

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for July are miscellaneous. Please see the lists in the narthex or see the Harts for more information.

Church Softball Come out Thursday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team!

Church Work Day Come lend a hand for our church work day this Saturday, July 27!

Trustees Meeting There will be a trustee meeting after the morning service

Weekly Update for Sunday, July 14, 2024

Playdate At The ROC Join us on Tuesday for a playdate at the ROC! During June and July, on Tuesdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, we’ll open the ROC for our families and friends to come and enjoy hanging out together.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for July are miscellaneous. Please see the lists in the narthex or see the Harts for more information. 

Church Softball Come out Thursday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team!

Youth At Camp This week, several of our young people are going to Highland Lakes Baptist Camp! Please pray for those going to have a safe week, for wonderful memories to be made, and for them to be spiritually challenged.

Church Work Day Come lend a hand for our church work day on Saturday, July 27! If you have seen something around the building or grounds that may need to be addressed, please let a Trustee know. The Trustees will gather ideas and work together to determine what to move forward with. 

Weekly Update for Sunday, July 7, 2024

Playdate At The ROC Join us on Tuesday for a playdate at the ROC! During June and July, on Tuesdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, we’ll open the ROC for our families and friends to come and enjoy hanging out together.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for July are miscellaneous. Please see the lists in the narthex or see the Harts for more information. 

Church Softball Come out Tuesday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team!

Youth At Camp On July 16-19, several of our young people are going to Highland Lakes Baptist Camp! Please be in prayer for the young people and the adult sponsors that God would work great things in their lives that week.

Church Work Day Come lend a hand for our church work day on Saturday, July 27! If you have seen something around the building or grounds that may need to be addressed, please let a Trustee know. The Trustees will gather ideas and work together to determine what to move forward with.

Weekly Update for Sunday, June 30, 2024

VBS Thank You On Thursday we wrapped up a wonderful week of VBS! We had almost 60 children and over 40 workers with us each night. Thank you to everyone who jumped in to help out during the week, prayed for the week, or contributed in many other ways. Your impact is eternal!

Playdate At The ROC Join us on Tuesday for a playdate at the ROC! During June and July, on Tuesdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, we’ll open the ROC for our families and friends to come and enjoy hanging out together.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for June are toys. Today is also a special offering for shoebox postage. 

Independence Day There will be no Wednesday Night Bible Study and Prayer Meeting to allow our families more time to gather for the 4th of July. Pastor Dave and Rae Anne cheerfully invite our congregation to come sit in their front yard to watch the parade on the Fourth of July.

Church Office Closed The church office will be closed on Thursday.

Church Softball Come out Friday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team!

Church Work Day Come lend a hand for our church work day on Saturday, July 27! If you have seen something around the building or grounds that may need to be addressed, please let a Trustee know. The Trustees will gather ideas and work together to determine what to move forward with. 

Weekly Update for Sunday, June 23, 2024

VBS VBS starts tomorrow! Our VBS Team covets your prayers as we head into the week. Please be in prayer for the workers, the kids, and their families that we have the privilege to serve.

VBS Meeting After the morning service, we have our final meeting for all those helping in VBS.

Playdate At The ROC Join us on Tuesday for a playdate at the ROC! During June and July, on Tuesdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, we’ll open the ROC for our families and friends to come and enjoy hanging out together.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for June are toys. We will have a special offering for shoebox postage on Sunday, June 30.

Church Softball Our church softball team is not playing this week due to VBS. Their next game is July 5. 

Church Work Day Come lend a hand for our church work day on Saturday, July 27! If you have seen something around the building or grounds that may need to be addressed, please let a Trustee know. The Trustees will gather ideas and work together to determine what to move forward with. 

Church Offerings We are so grateful for those who partner with us financially to make the gospel known in Linton and beyond. Over the past few months, we have received several Canadian coins. Our bank cannot exchange or deposit these. If you contributed these coins, please contact the church office and we’d be happy to give them back to you. 

No Evening Service There will be no Evening Service tonight to allow our hard-working VBS volunteers time to finish their final preparations for Vacation Bible School.

Weekly Updates for Sunday, June 16, 2024

Youth Group (6th–12thJoin us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00! Come spend time with friends as we have fun and explore the Christian faith. Our current study is looking at the evidence for why we believe what we believe.

VBS VBS is June 24-27! Kids 3 years old through rising 6th graders will explore Breaker Rock Beach as they learn that God’s truth never changes! Find the registration link on the church’s Facebook page. 

VBS Meeting Next Sunday, we have our final meeting for all those helping in VBS.

Playdate At The ROC Join us on Tuesday for a playdate at the ROC! During June and July, on Tuesdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, we’ll open the ROC for our families and friends to come and enjoy hanging out together.

Operation Christmas Child OCC items for June are toys.

Church Softball Come out Monday at 6:30 to the FOP field to support our church softball team!

Church Work Day Come lend a hand for our church work day on Saturday, July 27! If you have seen something around the building or grounds that may need to be addressed, please let a Trustee know. The Trustees will gather ideas and work together to determine what to move forward with. 

No Evening Service There will be no evening service tonight to allow our families more time to spend together for Father’s Day.

Church Office Closed The church office will be closed on Wednesday.